How To: Summer Makeup

In this tutorial, we will cover summer face makeup. This video was provided by Mrs. Azita Fard.


Greetings. I am Azita Fard. Today I want to present you with a special summer makeup.

Unlike all makeups we usually perform, this time I want to attach the false lashes first. We usually attack the false lashes at the end of the makeup. Attaching eyelashes has its own technique and it is what type of eyelashes we use is important. I applied the highlighter in a way to lift the face a little. How much cream powder I remove depends on the form of the face.

We have applied concealer under the eyes to lighten the area and we have to continue with the same technique. Let’s apply a fixing spray to cool the face and fix it at the same time. Remove the extra material using another pad. It depends on how hollow the eye socket on the client’s face is. If you are using liquid makeup, you should make sure to apply it firmly on the face and make sure it is properly absorbed. You do not need to change your brush constantly. I will apply a little shine where I need them. The temples are a little small.

Previously we talked about contour using oily palettes. Here, I am using a dry contour. The brand does not matter. I am using the Guerlain brand, but you can use any brand you like. In the summer, it is very important to have a durable makeup because the face will sweat constantly. Let’s apply a bit more fixing spray to stabilize the makeup. When using bright colors like red in your makeup, you should apply the same shade to the cheeks as well. Over the base of the bone with a brown shade and then add any other shade you want on top.

I want to add a little more makeup to the jawline as well as the cheekbones. We should be careful not to apply the product in a way that leaves a trace or visible mark on the face. Let’s apply a dry powder around the eyes. Since the face has a tan already, it is better to apply a light shade to the areas we want to make lighter using a powder. To avoid making the nose look bigger you should consider the dimensions of the face and nose carefully, and then apply the contour.

This eyeshadow technique is especially suitable for people with short eyelids or hollow eyes. In this technique, we lighten the area exactly after the lash line to make this area look wider. Then apply a darker shade on the third area of the eyelids to make this area look smaller. Therefore, in a sense, we are normalizing the face. To avoid making the makeup look expressionless or soulless with too much cream and brown colors,
We can also add some champagne.

Always make sure to remove the lines in your makeup. Some people might not ask you for an eyeliner since lots of people like natural and simple makeups. Whether you add eyeliner or not depends on you and your client. I can use the same brush or some mascara to clean the eyelash as well and clean any residue from the makeup or cream powder off the false lash. Apply some of the dark shadows we used before for the lower eyelids.

Apply some color to the middle of the cheek to make it livelier. For people with big upper lips, you should be careful not to add more volume with the lipstick. When you are using a heavy or bright lipstick, the eyeshadows must be lighter.

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